Lewis, Kevin
Kevin Lewis plays with words like kids play with blocks. He can arrange them in rhythmic rows (CHUGGA CHUGGA CHOO CHOO, 1998), stack them up (THE LOT AT THE END OF MY BLOCK, 2001) and then knock them down again (THE RUNAWAY PUMPKIN, 2003). He takes them on the car (MY TRUCK IS STUCK, 2002), to the playground (DINOSAUR DINOSAUR, 2006), in the tub (TUGGA TUGGA TUG BOAT, 2006), and he’s even been known to use them to get his own way (NOT INSIDE THIS HOUSE, 2011). He lives in a large, 200-year old farmhouse in New York’s Hudson Valley with his husband and a dog named Kat.
3 Fun Facts
1. I have a huge model train collection.
2. I have a dog named “Kat.”
3. I like to bike and hike.