Winterbottom, Julie
Julie Winterbottom writes books for kids about science and history and sillier subjects like pranks and farts. Her newest book is Magic in a Drop of Water, a picture book biography of pioneering ecologist Ruth Patrick. She is also the author of two humor books, Pranklopedia and What a Blast! and Frightlopedia. She is the former editor-in-chief of Nickelodeon Magazine and worked as an editor at Sesame Workshop and Scholastic. When she’s not writing, she loves exploring the shores of the Hudson River near her home in Beacon, New York.
Many Educational Press Association Awards for editing and writing for children’s magazines published by Scholastic, Sesame Workshop, and Nickelodeon.
3 Fun Facts
1. I was a serious prankster as a kid.
2. I play the accordion in a Cajun band.
3. I love the smell of skunks.