Lemon, J.S.
J. S. Lemon grew up outside of Philadelphia, and chances are, so did you. She spent most of her childhood worrying about hair removal and trying to make people laugh. Even though middle school was quite a while ago, it still sits right beneath her skin. Lemon was the first girl, on both sides of her family, to graduate college, and she did so while wearing an “I’m with stupid” T-shirt under her gown. She has been an animal psychic, a mime coach, and a spokesperson for the Crocs Evening Wear Collection—all without leaving her home. Most days you can find her gossiping with her dog and writing until her thumbs ache. Her hobbies include doodling, listening to smooth ‘70s music, and dodging invitations to go hiking. She does a pretty good Cher impression. jslemonbooks.com
3 Fun Facts
1. I was an artist for years before writing my first novel.
2. My “real” age is 12. What about you?
3. I can play “fake piano”- I make it up and it sounds like the saddest movie soundtrack you’ve ever heard.